Forms of Payment: We gladly accept your personal check, cash and (for sums up to $1,000) PayPal, and Zelle, but we are not setup to accept debit/credit cards. The nature of this business lends itself to payments coming our way in relatively large chunks over extended periods. The average amount of the payments we receive and the relatively low number of transactions per month makes it difficult to justify accepting credit or debit cards. In addition to the cost of the merchant services contract required to accept the very few transactions we see in a month, the transaction fees (typically 3-5%) would have to be passed on to our clients. With our average transaction amount being over $10,000, those fees can add a significant chunk of change to the final cost of a project. Since most of our clients have saved in advance for these projects, they rarely need to finance them via credit cards. Also, since longer-term projects are usually funded via prepaid blocks of labor, we have little reason to be concerned about checks clearing before the vehicles leave. Cash is fine, but please have something close to the correct amount. PayPal is always a good fallback, but we will pass on their transaction fee (usually about 3.5%).